Report Center

Better insight of business data from various aspects, enchance operation and increase sales.

Content Management

Get feedback from customer directly and reply questions on the fly

Order Management

Rich and convenient user interface of order, shipnotice and invoice manipulation

Access Anywhere

Consistent user experence no matter where the entry point is, e.g. mobile, laptop, tablet and etc.

Getting Started Is Easy We’ve spent ten years developing revolutionary tools to dramatically improve wholesale buying. We’ve digitalized the entire experience, supporting both in-person and virtual appointments to allow for 24/7 global buying potential. Welcome to the Retail Centre—a beautifully designed, easy-to-navigate dashboard with everything retailers use most right in one place. Manage all of your messages and connection requests Discover and stay up-to-date with the newest brands and latest trends Review brand profiles, linesheets, and orders Stay current on the Manshar Wholesale Ltd, Passport event calendar.

Got questions in any step? Contact us

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